Council Meetings

All Parish Council meetings are open to the public and press. There is a public participation session at the start of every meeting which usually lasts for up to 15 minutes. During this session, members of the public can address the Parish Council on any issue, subject to time available. Meetings are held in St Andrews Room, Old School Rooms, Station Road. Please contact the Parish Office is you have any question with regard to this process and public participation. 

Minutes, and Agendas for previous Council meetings can be accessed from the relevant meeting tab. Agendas for future meetings will be posted on this website at least three clear days before the date of the meeting. They are also posted on Parish Council noticeboards in Old School Rooms, Broad Street, the Precinct and Kent Road. Minutes are initially published in draft form so that you can see them as soon as possible. Draft minutes have not been approved by Councillors. When they are approved by Councillors, the draft minutes are replaced by a copy of the signed minutes.

Full Parish Council

The Full Parish Council sets the Council's strategic priorities, discusses major projects, fixes the annual Precept, authorises all grants and other requests for funding, approves expenditure over £5,000 and appoints members to committees and representatives on outside bodies.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee considers expenditure and income priorities and makes recommendations to the Full Parish Council. This includes fees and charges, insurance, grants and the annual precept figure.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee makes recommendations to North Somerset Council on behalf of Congresbury Parish Council on all matters relating to planning within the Parish. This includes planning applications, planning appeals, tree preservation orders (TPO’s), enforcement notices and on planning policy reviews at local, regional and national level.

Staffing and Admin Committee

The Staffing and Admin Committee was re-established at the Full Parish Council Meeting on 14th July 2014.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is regularly scheduled to ensure effective communication and community involvement. If there are any specific matters you would like to see addressed on the agenda, we kindly request that you reach out to the Chair of the Council.